Audit/Assurance & Accounting

EBM, primarily through associated company Kant & Clients Auditors and Chartered Accountants, provides various Auditing/Assurance & Accounting Services to the Clients for 25 years, mainly categorized as under:

• Auditing & Assurance
• Accounting Services
• Accounts & Process Manuals/Documentation
• Other Accounting Services

Accounting Services

Accounting Services, when outsourced to professional organization like ours, results in following benefits for any organization:

  • Professional – by entrusting the job to professionals with required qualifications and experience in data entry, checking, supervising etc
  • Control – by incorporation of checks & balances in the process
  • Independent – as it is done by our team who are not affected or influenced by our Clients internal environment/staff
  • Efficient – by providing timely reports at lesser cost

Accounting Services are provided by prevailing applicable Professional Standards (IAS -International Accounting Standards, IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards) and Local & International Professional Practices, combined with our experience of 25 years in the field.

Accounting Services are provided either Offsite (from our premises) or Onsite (by visit to the Client’s Premises) or Online (by connecting to Clients’ Computers online from our office).

Onsite or Online Accounting Services are provided on the Accounting Software used by the Client. Offsite Accounting Services are provided on Visual ACE ERP (unless otherwise chosen by the Client). It can also be done on Excel, if Client prefers that and in case of small businesses with limited transactions.

Most of the Reporting is done directly from the Accounting Software, electronically in pdf (subject to software compatibility), or in Excel, if needed.

The agenda for the Services is clearly listed and agreed with the Client before the start of the services.

The frequency of the Accounting Services can be Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Six-Monthly, Yearly or as mutually decided with the Client.

A comprehensive range of Accounting Services provided include the following:

  • Accounting – Data Entry, Finalisation, and Reporting
    • Full Accounting (only Accounts)
    • Integrated Accounting (Accounts + Inventory)
    • Payroll Accounting
    • Sales & Receivables Accounting
    • Procurement & Payables Accounting
    • Retail Accounting
    • Expenses Accounting
    • Data Entry
    • Opening Balances Accounting
    • Pre-Operative Accounting
    • Off-Shore Companies Accounting
    • Budget Preparation
    • Customised Accounting
    • Finalisation Entries
    • Reporting from Software in pdf/excel as agreed
  • Accounts Review & Supervision
    • Setting Accounting Policies & Procedures
    • Ensure compliance with Accounting Policies & Procedures
    • Comprehensive Checking of Transaction, as agreed
    • Random Checking of Transactions
    • Finalisation Entries Checking
    • General Ledger Scrutiny
    • Trial Balance Scrutiny
    • Fixed Assets Register/Accounts Reviews
    • Accounts Receivables Review
    • Accounts Payables Review
    • Payroll Accounts Review
    • Cash/Bank/PDC Accounts Review
    • Management Report
  • Accounts Finalisation
    • Depreciation & Amortisation
    • Prepaids & Defferals
    • Accruals & Provisions
    • Interest Paid/Received
    • Inventory Closing Entries
    • Bank Reconciliation
    • Physical Cash/Stock/PDC Checking & Reconciliation
    • Other Finalisation
  • Financial Statements Preparation
    • Balance Sheet
    • Profit & Loss Account
    • Fund Flow/Cash Flow Statement
    • Fixed Assets Schedule
    • Schedule of Notes
  • Financial Analysis/MIS/BI
    • Budgeting Analysis
    • Previous Period Comparison Analysis
    • Financial Ratio Analysis
    • Financial Statements Analysis
    • Working Capital Analysis
    • Cash Flow/Fund Flow Analysis
    • Break-Even Analysis
    • Receivables Analysis
    • Payables Analysis
    • Inventory Analysis
    • What-If Scenario Analysis
  • Physical Stock Verification
  • Physical Cash/PDC Verification

Auditing & Assurance

Auditing & Assurance is a necessary function, that may not only be required by law, but also needed by all stakeholders – owners, lenders, shareholders, etc., to get reliable Financial Statements or other reports, after being reviewed by the professionals in the field.

Auditing & Assurance Services are provided by prevailing applicable Professional Standards (IAS -International Accounting Standards, IFRS - International Financial Reporting Standards) and Local & International Professional Practices, combined with our experience of 25 years in the field.

Following is the range of Auditing & Assurance Services covered:

  • External / Statutory Auditing
  • Internal Auditing
  • Management Audit
  • Cost Audit
  • Special Audit/Investigation
  • Payroll Audit
  • Sales Audit
  • Procurement Audit
  • Accounts Receivables Audit
  • Inventory Control Audit
  • Cash/Fund Management Audit
  • IT/ERP Security & Control Audit
  • Due Diligence for Mergers & Acquisitions
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